Restoration of the Fire of God

This video is of the Salvation Army Choir singing, Send the Fire, a glorious old hymn  about   desiring the fire of Pentecost written by their founder, William Booth.

I wonder about something....and this is not just rhetorical, but an actual question that anyone who knows their church history is welcomed to answer, as I don't know the answer myself .

I think about some mainline denominations which at one time were the "move of God" in the earth. They had the fire of God burning brightly in their meetings. Like the Methodists. But in time, they, for the most part, just got cold and dead. And except for in some select situations, they have been reduced to mere form and ritual.

What happened??? What caused the descent??? Did it happen when they organized into a denomination? Did it happen somewhere else along the way after they organized? Did it happen when they became lukewarm in their preaching and made excuses for sin??? Did it happen when they quit singing joyful praises unto God, and started sticking to just 3 songs in the hymnal? Why was no one alarmed when the fire started going out???
Maybe the answer is not the same in every situation.
The reason I ask is because I see people who at one time were so on fire for the Lord who are now in such a lackadaisical state about their Christian walk, and I am not only seeing this with persons, I'm actually seeing it with some churches, and I wonder if their decline is in any way comparable to the decline of some historical movements or denominations that were at one time on fire for God, and lost it.
Very frankly, I'm scared of some preaching I hear these days that is dumbing down the message, or that makes me feel LESS accountable to God or His Holy Word, or even to His people. I feel that if I embrace what they are preaching, I will lose out with God, will lose the passion I have for Him and His Word. I fear I will lose the sense of consecration I feel so important to remaining a vibrant Christian. I fear I will lose my understanding of NOT “working for my salvation,” but rather the rewards promised to the faithful and obedient follower of Christ, AFTER the gift of salvation has been has been freely given AND received because of His Amazing Grace!
Well...this post has been about the sad state of becoming cold, and dead and hardened in heart and spirit. But, now I will turn it around, and say that if you've seen or personally experienced any of the above, I truly believe that if you'll shake yourself, and return to your First Love experience with Jesus, you can absolutely TURN IT AROUND, and be restored to the enthusiasm you once had in your spirit for the things of God, for walking uprightly, for clinging to the Cross with all of it’s benefits and provisions, for being an Overcomer, for following the Lamb withersoever He goeth, and for seeing the moving and working of the Holy Spirit in glorious power whenever you come together with the saints!!!!
If there was ever a time we need to keep our lamps full of oil, and trimmed and burning, it is NOW!!!! Don’t let some new little homespun doctrine meant to make you feel satisfied in a careless state of spiritual ease and laziness rob you of your inheritance, and keep you from the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!!! Matthew 25:1-13
And I will even prophesy that some things that seem cold and dead and lifeless, and like there is no breath of God anywhere in them OR near them, of both people AND movements which at one time were mightily used by God, God is going to raise it up in the last day, and use it once again for His glory!!!
I believe that restoration of ALL that God has done in and through previous generations is the very essence of the message of the Kingdom of God!!! NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING is wasted or useless in His Kingdom. If He did it at one time, He will do it again!!!! If He used it in the past, He can use it again!!! If He used YOU in the past, He can use you again!!!!
This word reminds me of what happens when our little ash bin next to our wood stove gets full, and we need to remove some of the ashes to receive new ones. We’ve got to be very careful that we don’t stick our hands down in there, and find out there is still a burning ember. We don’t ever take it for granted that the ashes are cold, but we use the little ash-shovel, just in case. Don’t take it for granted that you’re cold and dead in your soul!!! You might find when you go to take inventory that down there in your soul, there is still a burning ember!!!!
Father, In Jesus Name, We ask you to stir up those ashes!!! Stoke those fires!!!! Ignite the hidden, burning embers still lingering in our soul. We desire Your Holy Spirit to burn brightly within our hearts, both in cleansing flame as well as in a compelling enthusiasm to draw others to You. Let it be so, In Jesus Name, Amen and amen.
And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. John 6:39
Glory to His Name!!!!
Always in the Love of Jesus,
Clarissa J DiPilato


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Bro. Mitch!!!! You are always such an encouragement, and according to 1st Cor 14:3, that is downright PROPHETIC!!! Only the Lord knows how much I am in need of it these days!

      I trust you are having a GREAT DAY in Jesus!!!

      Blessings from your sister in Jesus,

      CJ ?-)


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