4 And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the Lord. Jeremiah 23:4
Last night, I observed something that was quite painful to watch. It was a church service with a visiting minister. He sounded like an anointed man of God. The people loved him, and were moved by his exhortations, stories of miracles on foreign fields, and when he got into the Word, he seemed to have a clear word of the Lord, and certainly a "present word" of truth. Definitely something any God-fearing Christian with a heart to draw closer to Jesus would wish to apply to their lives. I was personally blessed myself!
The painful part was that I could see and feel that the pastor and his wife were not with him. Their spirits were not encouraging him, not drawing out from him that which was probably richly deposited in this man's life. And it showed on the preacher's face that he was in a struggle. He moved away from being at close distance to the spot where the pastor and his wife were sitting to the other side of the stage. The struggle seemed to dissipate a little bit, but it never fully left.
As I watched this scenario of human spirits not flowing together under the leading of the Holy Spirit, I was troubled within. My first reaction was to chalk it all up to jealousy. The pastor and his wife were jealous of this visiting minister because obviously, he was winning the hearts of the people. There were continual "amens" and appreciative laughter sprinkled throughout the time of the delivery of his message. And you could hear what "quiet" sounds like when he said something of weight.
But then, as I mused on what I had seen, the Spirit spoke to me these words: Brother and Sister Jones (not their real names) were not supportive of his ministry because his main purpose in being there was to fleece their flock.
And this is what became very apparent to me: Even though he came with a word, and even though he has a notable ministry, and even though he's been followed by a good report where ever he goes, and even though he's very kind and approachable, and has verifiable results when he prays and ministers to people, and certainly seems to love the people of God, nevertheless...he was there to fleece the flock.
And sadly, this is going on across the body of Christ in epidemic proportions. A little humble pastor gets recognition from someone who has "a name", and before too long, other preachers with "name recognition" put that church on their list of places to minister throughout the year. These people come in, and make merchandise of the people of God. They sell their books, their cd's, their dvds, their study notes. And even though the sheep come to the place that they cannot afford anymore either in money OR time, the pastor often gets addicted to the heady high that comes with the "enamorment of association", and he doesn't know where to draw the line.
So, the people (who usually want to please the pastor) still keep coming, and they still keep buying; and it drains the church in every way. People only have so much to give. And I haven't even mentioned that on top of selling their products, they often take up huge offerings because there is an honorarium that must be met. And If it's a church where tithing is preached, at least some portion of the people are being faithful to tithe. And for many, especially in the current economy, it is not only a struggle, it's a major test of their obedience.
Then, if it's a church that believes as the members tithe to the church, the church itself should also tithe and give offerings to missions there is more giving from the people of God. Even if the church is not offering their own product for the people to purchase, just being faithful to the basics of tithes and offerings and giving of alms to the poor in the local church or community, and offerings to missionaries is not easy for many of the people.
You say, What about seed faith? Don't you believe God blesses the givers? I most certainly DO, and I've seen God miraculously provide when I've given a "seed" in faith believing for His return on it. But while waiting for my "ship to come in" because I made a pledge, gave an offering, or tucked my little "love gift" into an envelope and sent it off to a ministry that has blessed me, that doesn't negate present financial responsibilities that are pressing right NOW.
I still need to pay the rent or mortgage, pay the car payment on time, feed and clothe my children! And if I become addicted to buying every bit of inspirational fare that comes along OR if I can't stand up to the pressures of one promoting material, the baby just might end up not having any milk for his bottle until my "ship comes in".
If you're a pastor who does not see the predicament the constant flow of "big names" coming into your church represents for the people of God, then you are a very insensitive shepherd to the sheep. Especially if you're ministering in a poor community, or rural area. You may feel it's well worth it in what the man or woman of God brings to your table in way of spiritual blessings and goods when they are up in the platform ministering....so whatever they are offering the people on the back table is certainly worth the price they have to pay .
But, now I'm going to talk from experience. I have literally seen churches ruined because a pastor was in "la la land" when it came to his discernment regarding how much the people were able to handle. I saw a church filled to overflowing go to dwindling down to just a handful of people because there were too many "special meetings" where there was "hype" that was being passed off as a "move of God", and "hype" never leaves "fruit that remains". It just leaves stress.
People have enough stress on the job with clashing personalities and impossible deadlines. They get it at home with squabbling spouses, and rebellious children. They get in the marketplace with rude salesclerks, long lines, and pushy competitive shoppers. They get it in rush hour traffic. They don't need it in the house of God, too!!!
I will never forget one associate pastor's wife sitting on the back row of the church after several nights of "special meetings" with a big name preacher who had come to town. She looked so tired. So totally drained. Like she needed to be carried out, and it was NOT because she had been "slain in the Spirit". She had been faithfully to every meeting. If it all had been the leading of the Lord that they cram their schedules with special meetings, then she should have been refreshed. The Bible says
11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Romans 8:11
There was no refreshing. Just exhaustion. I've been in meetings for many nights in a row where there WAS the true moving of the Spirit, and after 4 hours in church, we'd go home with so much energy, we'd be either fellowshipping with other saints, or doing some household project until 3 in the morning because we couldn't sleep for the energizing, "quickening" residue of the glory of God that was lingering upon us!
But, it usually came by way of a shepherd who knew how to minister to his flock and knew how to release "body ministry", and never through someone who was there to make money off of their books and tapes.
Some pastors are taking a stand. They will not allow their churches, especially the sanctuary, to be turned into houses of merchandise. They won't allow charlatans, or even good- hearted ministers who depend on the sales of their product to put a burden on their people that over time can become too heavy to bear. And what has been seen is that the true servants of the Lord will respect their wishes, and be happy to come and minister any way. It's a good way for a pastor to quickly discern what spirit a man or woman claiming to be the servant of the Lord is truly coming in!
NOW, let me switch gears a bit. Does this mean I am against the sale of inspirational material at all? NO! But there is a way to do it that is more honorable, and less stressful, and less of a burden on the people of God. A little church "bookstore" apart from the sanctuary with set hours where people can come in and browse without pressure is a better approach. Let a worship service be unto the Lord, and a "house of prayer for all nations", and not a time for clever commercials skillfully weaved into the message by travelling 'preacher salesman'! Not a time when ushers or other "helpers" are distracting what's going on in the front of the church at the altar by pacing back in forth in the back of the church behind tables full of merchandise.
And just about every ministry has a website that can be accessed to purchase devotional material. (One of the greatest ironies in the word of God is the little scripture, "Buy the truth, and sell it not." Proverbs 23:23a. You'll never be in trouble with God for spending your money on truth. But the one who is in the position of selling needs to tread softly!!!)
I am very small potatoes. In fact, I'm probably more like one of those little tiny grape tomatoes. But, I have gotten around enough, and been invited to enough places to minister to know that you can make GOOD MONEY in the work of the ministry! Even if you don't sell any books or tapes. Even when you don't charge an honorarium. God's people LOVE to give when they are being blessed and ministered to by a vessel yeilded to the Lord, and flowing in His Spirit. And I know this from just ministering in meetings of less than 100 people. I know this from NOT taking my own offerings, but leaving whatever I receive up to the pastor of the church.
I believe there are not only pastors in the valley of decision from reading this article, but men and women of God who are true servants of the Lord, but who have been less than honorable in their methods of ministry, and securing ministry engagements. The first thing I must tell you is NOT to assume I am against prosperity or God's people being blessed, or sowing a seed in faith because as God is my witness, I am NONE of the above! But, this is a problem in the body of Christ that needs to be addressed. Shepherds need to protect their people from those who are "fleecing the flock", and in Jesus Name, I pray God gives them courage to do so!
Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus Name, I ask that as your Holy Spirit is speaking through this word, You would bring your conviction upon those who would exploit the people of God in any way!
In Your Holy Name, I ask it, Amen and AMEN.
There are times when short prayers are the most powerful prayers.
Always in the Love of Jesus,
Clo DiPilato