Raising the Standards of the Faith

5 We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the Lord fulfil all thy petitions. Psalm 20:5

I read this scripture a couple of mornings ago, a powerful "battle ready" Psalm. When I came to the phrase, "and in the name of our God we will set up our banners"...I was quickened!!! I needed to know what that means! This is what it means, my paraphrase: in the name of our God we will CONSPICUOUSLY lift up HIGH the standards of our faith!!!

If you go to google images, and you put in something like "war time slogans", you will find different sayings on flags or banners that were meant to keep people motivated toward their cause in a time of warfare. These slogans or banners or standards or flags would also serve notice on the adversary of the resoluteness of winning the contest.

We are living in a soulish culture where much of the church world does not want us to CONSPICUOUSLY lift up the standards that will cause us to victoriously overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. "They" are much more interestested in winning favor with man whom they have NO guarantees will ever truly make any commitment to the Lord than they are in walking with the Lord in a way so that they please HIM so that HE will "add daily to the church such as should be saved". Acts 2: 47 They burden themselves with all sorts of formulas and gimmicks instead of earnestly contending for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Jude 1:3.

Well, that may be okay for your house, but it's NOT okay for mine, and in the Name of my God, I am lifting up the standards!!! These are not being given in order of importance, but just as the Spirit leads me to write them. Contrary to what someone who wants you to live a weak, watered down, pathetically powerless Christianity may try to lead you to believe, these are not the standard of legalistic, old-order Pentecost, but they are the standards, the banners of the Word of God, and I am CONSPICUOSLY raising them in my home!!!

God has been telling me to go through my home, and CONSPICUOUSLY LIFT UP THE STANDARD!!! The HIGHEST standards are the Word of God, the Name of JESUS and the BLOOD OF THE LAMB!!! Without first raising these banners HIGH, every other standard mentioned herein will be held up in vain.

Standard #1: Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost! 1 Corinthians 6:15 and 19. We are not going to defile our bodies with substance abuse of ANY kind!!! We are not going to even THINK of letting the precious Holy Spirit live in a temple that reeks of tobacco, or drug use, or alcohol or any of the diabolical side effects of these things, in JESUS Name!!!

Standard #2: Any thing listed in Galatians 5:19-21 is a work of the flesh, and we need to repent of those things, and walk in repentance. In Jesus Name, they have NO place in my home!!!

Standard #3: Any thing listed in Proverbs 6:16-19 are things God HATES, and in Jesus Name, I am in agreement with God's holy hatred!  I declare the blood-stained banner of the Cross of Christ, and the Name of Jesus against things that God hates! It will have NO place in my home!!!

Standard #4: In Jesus Name, when something godless, carnal, impure, prurient, lustful attempts to write words or draw pictures, or bring back to memory an unholy image in my mind, BE GONE in JESUS NAME!!! And I will encourage everyone in my household to do the same! I call for the sanctification of my "chambers of imagery" that in NO WAY I grieve the Holy Spirit in my thought life, the place where sin and uncleanness is first conceived before it's acted upon. Ezekiel 8:11-13.

Standard #5: In Jesus Name, I lift up the standard of a pure, renewed mind, giving both my thought life AND my words to the LIFE GIVING MANDATE (not just a suggestion) of Phillipians 4:8. If I have a "slip-up" with my tongue, I will quickly repent, and read James 3 to remind me of the importance of a sanctified tongue!

Standard #6. In Jesus Name, I lift up the standard of Matthew 5 and 6 and 7 as God's Kingdom Law, and as a citizen of HIS kingdom in this world, I will apply these principles to every aspect of my life.

Standard #7: In Jesus Name, I lift up the standard of the Ten Commandments as God's rule and law not only for society in general, but for myself and my family as Christians, to be an example of a people without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. Exodus 20:1-17

Standard #8: In Jesus Name, in the face of all condemnation and contrary voices I lift up the standard of a pure, holy, undefiled conscience sprinkled by the blood of Jesus, and a body washed with the pure water of the Word, and I declare liberty from all the muck and mire of the past, and my face is set as a flint toward Mount Zion, and the heavenly Jerusalem. Hebrews 10:21-23, and 12:22.

Standard #9: In Jesus Name, I lift up the standard of OVERCOMING grace, and will not receive a weak, compromised message into my spirit that comes as an "angel of light" to tell me sin, loose-living, carnality, worldliness is acceptable in any form for one who has been washed in the blood of the Lamb. Jude 1:4. I spiritually make a distinction between my initial salvation experience of receiving the free gift of salvation by grace through faith, and THEN living a Christian life in a way that I might some day receive the rewards of a faithful servant of God. Works are for the purpose of receiving rewards in the heavenly kingdom, but they will never save my soul. Romans 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:8; Revelation 22:12; 2 John 1:7-9

Standard #10: In Jesus Name, I lift up the standard of GOD'S MERCY, and will remind myself daily that whenever I do fail, or fall into temptation, and whenever anyone in my family fails,or falls into temptation, or whenever any one comes to me confessing a sin, weakness or fault, they have an ADVOCATE with the Father, and can confess their sins to Jesus, and He will forgive and restore, and get us RIGHT BACK INTO THE CONTEST OF HOLDING CONSPICUOUSLY HIGH THE BLOOD-STAINED BANNER OF THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST!!! 1 John 1:9; 1 John 2:1; Exodus 34:6-8, Psalm 51.

Serving notice on the devil that in JESUS Name, the banners of the Word of God are being held HIGH in my home. As for me and my house, we WILL serve the Lord!!! 

Let us pray:   Dear Heavenly Father, We ask You to help us by Your grace and mercy to hold up high the standards of our faith, that we might 
live as victorious Christians in a world full of trouble and defeat.  We ask it in the Holy Name of Jesus,  Amen and Amen!
In His Love,
Clo DiPilato